We are delighted to have 3 cubs born on Nkonka. In June this year 3 little babies were born in the drainage line of Nkonka.
The mother has subsequently moved onto the neighbouring Sutton Private Game Reserve to join her 2 sisters to help protect the cubs whilst she hunts. Although they were born on Nkonka, they are still part of the original Sutton Pride.
Contraception on Nkonka
Lion cubs are rare in the Munyawana Reserve as contraception is used as a method to control the numbers of lions being born. The size of the game reserve dictates the amount of lions living on the reserve.
The contraceptive method on Munyawana Concervancy involves a Unilateral Hysterectomy; Removing one horn of the 2 horned Uterus, leaving behind the ipsilateral ovary severed at the level of the fallopian tube. This method reduces the number of cubs born per litter.